Personal Pensions

“If you plan right, retirement is the time to enjoy everything you’ve worked hard for!”


When used effectively, a QROPS may provide generous benefits to clients who have built up UK pensions over their working lives, and have now moved abroad or are considering doing so.
You can transfer to many different countries, which Abacus will assist you with - our expertise lie in Gibraltar and Malta, but can assist and manage during any transfer.

Gibraltar - a very attractive Jurisdiction

There is no requirement for you to be a resident in the jurisdiction chosen for your QROPS. Gibraltar is an HMRC recognised compliant jurisdiction which deducts a relatively low rate of withholding tax (2.5%) from QROPS pension income. It is an English-speaking EU territory, and is easily accessible from UK, Spain or Portugal for those with a preference for face to face interaction. Your financial adviser will help you decide whether Gibraltar is the best jurisdiction for your specific circumstances.


Transfer of UK pensions to your new overseas location

Extensive Investment choices

Take out all without loss at age 55

Flexibility and transparency

Malta and Gibraltar leading jurisdictions

Tax exemptions on different areas

and much more …

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Your next steps...

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QROPS brochure

Apply for our QROPS

View our
QROPS fees


International pensions can offer great retirement planning opportunities in circumstances where UK registered pensions may simply not be enough.
UK based high net worth individuals, or those who are UK domiciled but living abroad face more complex considerations when making their retirement provisions.

Qualifying Non-UK Pension Schemes

QNUPS must meet certain strict requirements and incorporate specific criteria into their scheme rules, in a similar way as QROPS do, but with additional flexibility, in order to be considered an acceptable overseas pension scheme by HMRC.

Professional guidance and tax exemptions

When set up correctly under the right professional guidance, a QNUPS can be a valuable retirement planning vehicle. It offers a wide investment choice, operates in a favourable tax environment, including exemption from UK inheritance tax, allows flexible pension income options and is not subject to the UK Lifetime Allowance Limits..


Income is paid cross

Professional managed by Abacus can add substantial
long term benefits

Unlimited contributions allowed

Wide range of allowed assets - such as property

Exemption from UK inheritance tax

and much more …

Contact us for guidance

Your next steps...

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QNUPS brochure

View our
QNUPS fees

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